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Inspire everyone you love.

Come dream up a CREATIVE WILL to keep on loving the people, pets and values you cherish.

Last Bucket List

                                   frees your imagination—so you can fill your own last bucket with meaning, gratitude and love to live on forever.

Last Bucket List guy

How YOU can inspire those you love...

...beyond numbers on a bank statement.
...beyond keepsakes in your home.
...beyond a folderful of legalese.

Ask your imagination to:

Dream up "Missions of Meaning" and launch your kids on INSPIRING LIFE JOURNEYS.

Letter in envelope
envelope with wings

Create this ONE SIMPLE GIFT that can easily become what your kids cherish most.

Think up heartfelt ways to honor your LOVE and DEVOTION to your pets.

Happy dog cartoon
man crouching for a race

Then cross the Finish Line and enjoy the PERFECT REWARD for getting your Will done.

Financial Planning Logo


A 59-second ride through this inspiring how-to adventure:

Last Bucket List book cover

Enjoy the only
creative tour from
Won't to Will.

How it feels by starting
with your imagination:

Lorraine Beltran
5 star rating

"Makes a difficult subject very approachable and fun to read."

Melissa Moulton-Church
5 star rating

“If my lawyer had given me this book, I’d have thought she was the coolest lawyer.”

Rick Harrison
5 star rating

"Opened my eyes to possibilities in a way lawyers often overlook."

5 star rating

“What starts out as fun quickly becomes about meaningful acts of love.”

5 star rating

“An inspiring roadmap for getting this done with great ideas I'm planning to try.”

Cindy Warden
5 star rating

"Replaced my fear and dread of estate planning with creative ideas that made it fun."

5 star rating

"Transforms the root canal of estate planning into a fun, fun, FUN joyride through it all."

Julie Funk
5 star rating

"The Missions of Meaning chapter touched my heart and made me cry, in a good way."

Try love, not legalese.

Insight with inspiration
you rarely ever hear:

Two kids bickering over one prized heirloom? You're in the clear with this CLEVER IDEA.

Talk easily about things you thought you’d NEVER talk about. Page 171.

Keep your ex from scoring the jackpot you intended for someone you love. Page 126.

Don't even THINK about doing what landed these
A-LISTERS in the headlines.

Try our SECRET RECIPE for “Inheritance Pie”—then dish it out with confidence. 

Try this legalese DECODER to know what your lawyer is talking about. Page 214.

Reimagine a less-than-ideal setting into one that's true to your life's love. Page 166.

What to do about your SECRETEST SECRETS you've hidden in the back of your closet?

Seven savvy ways
to get rid of an “Iffy Heir” out of nowhere. Page 84.

Say NO to meh. Here’s how to be with your TRUE PASSION forever.

What’s so funny at your funeral? And why you may WANT that. Page 178.

What’s a lawyer cost? Here are easy ways to find the best one for you. Page 16.

A fresh perspective when you're...

Last Bucket List book cover
  • Losing sleep over living with no Will
  • Realizing your current Will is waaay outdated
  • Pushing your lovable foot-dragger up a hill
  • Concerned you're leaving kids & pets unprotected
  • Wanting to create your sendoff the way YOU want

Join all the people
on the Last Bucket Waitlist—Save 25%

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Last Bucket List here.

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No e-book.
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Just a fun, illustrated, 224-page, oversized, one-of-a-kind paperback that won't get lost in your home.


Feeling inspired makes all the difference:

5 star rating

“Everything you need to get motivated, without the mystery or the headache.”

5 star rating

"I don't gush. If I thought this book was bad, I'd be polite. But I'm gushing!"

5 star rating

“Started my mom talking to my dad about FINALLY getting a trust attorney.”

5 star rating

“Why isn’t this book in every lawyer’s waiting room?”

5 star rating

“Made the tough-to- talk about into a fun way to show your love.”

5 star rating

“After 10 years, I took ‘get a will’ off my to-do list!”

5 star rating

"Serious and funny at the same time. I was really touched by this book."

5 star rating

“A true eye-opener even for someone like me who operates on faith alone.”

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Published by New Twist Press

Los Angeles, California 

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